Sunday, 28 October 2012

A Pure Heart
A pure heart, that’s what I long for
A heart that follows hard, after thee
Apure heart, that’s what I long for
A heart that follows hard after thee

A heart that hides your word, so that sin will not come in
A heart that’s undivided to the one who rules and reign
A heart that beats compassion and pleases you my Lord
A sweet aroma of worship that rises to Your throne

Why the writer of the song does long for a Pure Heart?

Before anything else, I would like to first define the words PURE and HEART. Pure is an adjective defined by the Encarta dictionary as to be clean and free from impurities and contamination. While Heart is known to be the blood-pumping organ and the source and center of emotional life, where the deepest and sincerest feelings are located and a person is most vulnerable to pain.
When I read of these definitions I laughed hysterically. Seriously? Is it possible that the heart be contaminated? (I am not talking on medical aspect here).

Biblically speaking, it has been a warning that to guard one’s heart for everything flows from it, Proverbs 4:23. That verse perhaps answered my questions.

A heart that hides Your Word so that sin will not come in. In this particular statement of the song, it is a declaration  that the Word, referred to as the Bible can keep the heart pure. The bible is known to be a compilation of the history, parables, proverbs and revelations. God’s instructions of the do’s and don’ts to keep our direction right, comfort for those who are down and promises for everyone who does believe and follow Him are found in the Bible. Thus, hiding His word in each of one’s heart will definitely make it as pure as gold.

A heart that’s undivided to the One who rules and reign. A heart that is fully devoted and dedicated to the one who created it. I was able to think, will the maker of a particular thing intend to allow his/her product be harmed or just be put into a waste for nothing? Same as with our Creator, all He wanted is the best for us. Now, if we go astray and would hesitate to be guided to our Creator and stay focused with Him and Him alone, then we would really end up with a very messy life.

A heart that beats compassion and that pleases you my Lord. A heart that longs to help the suffering others will really please the Lord for he has said to love thy neighbor as we love ourselves. It is my prayer that we will have this self-less rather than a self-centered heart.

Want a life that is close to perfectness? Aim then for a pure heart.  God bless u God’s beloved! J

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